Rendiyansyah is a professional magazine blogger template. It is fully customizable, making it a unique option for you who want to create multiple sites with a totally different design with just one template. OnePress is very fast compared to any other magazine you find on the internet. Because we built it with the best and most advanced blogger template optimization techniques. It is also perfect for those who want to increase earnings as it has multiple ad sections, which is perfect for AdSense or other services ads.
- 100% Responsive Design.
- Auto RTL Version.
- Fixed Menu.
- Automatic Mobile Menu.
- Header Ads.
- Featured Posts.
- Post Widget 1 and 2.
- Home Ads 1.
- AdSense (In-Feed ADS) on Homepage.
- Ads Areas (In-Article ADS 1, In-Article ADS 2) on Post Page.
- Home Ads 2.
- Post Share Buttons.
- Auto Author Box.
- Disqus and Facebook Comments.
- Fixed Sidebar.
- Post List Widget by (Recent, Label or Comments).
- About Section on Footer.
- Footer Menu.
- Templateify Post Shortcodes.
- Dark Version (Included).
- Full-Width Version.
- Auto Translate.
- Fast Loaded.
- SEO Optimized.
- Fully Customizable Background, Widths, Colors and Fonts.
- Remove Footer Credits (Custom Copyrights).
- More...
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